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The island’s gastronomy is based on the ingenuity and imagination of many generations of Maxoratas or majoreros who left a culinary legacy rich in fish, meat and a nutritious toasted flour dough.

Fuerteventura stands out for its arid landscape, where rain is a gift, so crops on the island are practically scarce.

From the sea come the viejas, wreckfish and samas, typical fish that are combined in various dishes along with limpets, burgados or mussels.

As for meats, the goat meat has a peculiar flavor.

Accompany these dishes of Papas Arrugadas with green or red mojo, very typical in the Islands.

Nor can you miss the Gofio escaldado, or other dishes such as Caldo de pescado (fish broth) or Sancocho Canario (Canarian stew).

The star product of the place, the product that has achieved international recognition is cheese, which has had its Denomination of Origin for years.

On the other hand, although on the island of Fuerteventura the presence of vine cultivation is still scarce, the wines of the Canary Islands are as diverse as each of the islands of the archipelago.

From its volcanic terrain and a viticulture conditioned by the complicated orography of the islands, a wine marked by personality and conditioned by the salinity of the sea and the volcanic mineral.

Worthy of mention are the elaborations of volcanic malvasia in Lanzarote and aromatic malvasia in La Palma.

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Fuerteventura’s Gastronomy

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