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Fuerteventura is characterized by its lunar landscapes, endless dunes and immense beaches with crystal clear waters that have put the island in the spotlight of famous Hollywood production companies.

The arid, volcanic and coastal landscapes of the eastern islands have long served as a backdrop for science fiction and adventure productions.

The images that the islands offer serve as inspiration for important production companies that decide to choose the island as a film set.

Some of the most talked about productions in recent years have been from MARVEL, with movies like WONDER WOMAN 1984 (the biggest budget movie made to date in Spain) or ETERNALS, where well-known actresses like Gal Gadot, Angelina Jolie or Salma Hayek have demonstrated their acting skills in wild landscapes and other well-known locations of Fuerteventura.

Another movie in which we can recognize the wonderful scenery of the Natural Park of Jandia is Han Solo: A Star Wars story of the multinational Disney, who shot scenes on the beaches of Cofete and La Pared, south of the island.

Fuerteventura is a natural set, where films have been recorded as Chaótica Ana by Julio Medem; The Dictator by Larry Charles; Unamuno en Fuerteventura by Manuel Menchón, and The book of Exodus (2014) where Ridley Scott found in Cofete Beach the perfect setting for the opening of the Red Sea of Moses, a $150 million production of 20th Century Fox and played by Christian Bale.

Finally as a curious fact and that only the most observant have been able to observe is the movie Planet of the Apes filmed in 1968 and starring Charlton Heston. Specifically in the final scene where Heston walks on the sand of the beach and discovers that he has traveled back in time when he finds the Statue of Liberty half buried in Cofete Beach.

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Fuerteventura, a movie set

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